Mobvoi Treadmill Review. Compact running machine

Mobvoi Home Treadmill – A treadmill that works for you, without requiring sacrifices

Mobvoi Home Treadmills are easy to store and are surprisingly useful when used.

Mobvoi Home Treadmills are affordable and can be placed in a small space. Many people waste a lot of money buying expensive treadmills they don’t use. Mobvoi can take away the worries. Mobvoi Home Treadmill allows you to walk or run inside, without any financial commitment. It can be stored under a bed if you don’t use it as much as you would like until you are ready to start using it again.

Mobvoi creates a treadmill? Mobvoi is well-known for its Wear OS-based smart watches. They also offer a wide range of high-quality headphones. They came to the market with an affordable solution that worked and then improved. Every year, a new model or version of a product is introduced to the market. It’s an update to a quality product.

This cycle of innovation has seen a subtle shift in focus. There have been many improvements to the fitness and health features over time. Although the Mobvoi smartwatches may not be the best in fitness wearable tech, they are still very useful for casual users. These smartwatches are great for quickly switching between working out and working. Similar story applies to the headphones. Ticwatch produces well-rounded headphones that can be used for serious training, but there are also more fitness-focused models. These headphones are great for fitness, but can also be used for other purposes.

Although a treadmill may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a wearable tech company, it makes sense. Mobvoi already knows what a certain type athlete needs so why not go one step further? This is the next step: The Mobvoi Home Treadmill. Find out how you can incorporate it into your daily life.


Delivery is not a white glove service. Mobvoi Home Treadmill is delivered in a simple cardboard box. It weighs around 80lbs (36kg). It was carried by the UPS driver up to my front door without any assistance or partners. He then placed it down without too much fuss. It was a little more difficult to drag it in, but that is mostly due to the fact that the flat flat box is somewhat awkward.

Once the item is inside, the hardest part of setting it up will be removing the packaging. The box is wrapped in plastic with foam inside. Move it a little and then stand it up. It is easier to remove the packaging from the unit if someone holds it steady. You are nearly done when you set it back down.

Very little assembly is required. The majority of the information can be summarized by saying, “Plug in the unit and take out the battery protection.” You will need to charge the battery protection if you intend to use it in running mode, but that is very minor. The lock is on the one side for running mode. You can flip the handle away and open the folding runbar. To lock the handle again, close it. It works fine without any additional functions, but you can get a plastic phone holder or two additional handles if needed.

Given the quality of the instructions, it is very encouraging that there is not much to set-up. It feels almost like a Google Translate project. It was certainly not translated by someone fluently in both languages. It works, but it could have been better if there was an online video.


Delivery was not remarkable, setup was simple with poor instructions but that’s not what really matters. It’s the running experience that matters most and Mobvoi does it perfectly. However, you will need to be a little more specific in your statement. Mobvoi is a master at running for the target market.

There are two ways to walk. You can only walk if you keep the riser bars folded down. You can’t reach the controls so you will be using your remote control to adjust speed. You won’t use the safety cord because it connects below and behind your position. You don’t have to have it, but you can connect it to yourself. It won’t stop the belt if you fall, unless you have been thrown off the back. The controls are not reachable, but there is an LCD screen that displays speed, distance, calories and time.

Walking mode allows for speeds of up to 4km/h. Although it’s quite easy, there is nothing in your path. When in walking mode, the Mobvoi Home Treadmill is only 4.4 inches high. If you prefer to work while walking, it can be easily positioned under a standing desk. It can also be stored easily in this mode.

You can run by opening the latch at the riser bar. You’ll be able to access the touch screen control panel once it’s opened. You can also change the speed and turn off the device. The remote is still functional and the safety cord attaches right in front of your face. It makes sense to use.

Running mode has a top speed of 12 km/h. According to math, that’s approximately a mile and a half. Although I keep my stride short and under my belt, I can stretch my stride at the highest speed. The small 400mmx1000mm/ 15.75×39.37 inch belt area provides plenty of space even at high speed. It’s too narrow. This is the problem. People with wider hips might be more aware of the edges, but I didn’t find any issues.

You can attach accessories to the Mobvoi Home Treadmill if you intend to leave it in running mode. Grab handles can be attached on both the left and right, and there is a phone holder. These pieces aren’t perfect. Although the grab handles are very useful, you cannot fold down the riser bars once they have been attached. The phone holder is not designed to hold a phone in landscape mode. Tablets are not possible due to the small size. You can also connect to the speaker via Bluetooth.

The Mobvoi Home Treadmill is great for walking on. This statement isn’t all that remarkable. You can find other options that offer the same functionality at a similar price. It’s even more impressive when you put it in running mode. It can be used for both short, low-intensity runs as well as long distance runs. It’s not ideal for running, but it would be great for interval training.


There are a few ways you can look at the Mobvoi Treadmill. There are two modes to it, and you should consider both when evaluating how great a product it really is. It’s an excellent choice in a competitive market as a walking treadmill. The Mobvoi is a great option if you’re looking for something that you can place under your desk and use while you work. While there are many other options, Mobvoi is the trusted brand with a support team.

The equation will change a little when you fold up the riser bars and place the Mobvoi Home Treadmill into running mode. It is a treadmill that can be used as a running machine. The price is the most important thing. It is a bargain choice that in some aspects reflects that. It’s not perfect. It has some design flaws, and it doesn’t feel perfect in every way. It works well for certain types of running.

It’s a good piece of equipment for runners and is a great value. It’s not designed for sprinting and it doesn’t have a rise to simulate hills. It’s great for running, and actually works quite well. The Mobvoi home treadmill is a great option for those just starting out in running and need something that can fit into your home at a reasonable price. You can also use it if you run long distances and don’t have the space for a treadmill in the dark.


There are many unknown brands when it comes to treadmills in this price range. Many of the available options look the same, with different names printed on them. Mobvoi Home Treadmill is a respected brand that has been around for many years. They are available to assist you if you need help.

The Xterra Fitness TR150 is another option to avoid duplicates. You get a lot for your buck and the price difference is negligible. The Xterra offers a 2 min per mile faster speed (16 kph vs 12. kph), a better control and a larger running area for a slightly higher price. You can choose from three levels of incline if you have to run on hills. The only problem is its size. The TR150 folds, but it has a fixed grabbar that makes it difficult to fit under your bed.

The Proform City L6 is a good option if you have space and a little more money. Although it is slightly more expensive than the Mobvoi, the ProForm City L6 comes with a one year subscription to the iFit workout program. The system also allows professional trainers to control the speed and take advantage of classes. Although it takes up more space than Mobvoi, it folds easily and may still fit in a tall bed.


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