One of the best places to exercise is outside, so a treadmill on a balcony provides an airy atmosphere that you can enjoy while exercising. However, if you are living in a condominium and would like to put your treadmill on the balcony check if it’s allowed by the condominium policy and regulations.

Balcony Space
If you’ve ever dreamed of using a treadmill on your balcony, you’re not alone. Several people in London, New York, and elsewhere have used treadmills to increase their fitness levels, and they’ve found the convenience of being able to do it on a balcony to be especially appealing. Balcony-side treadmills are great for exercising outdoors, but you’ll have to consider the location, size, shape, and available space of your balcony before deciding to purchase a treadmill.
Treadmill and Balcony Safety
There are several reasons to consider when you use a treadmill on a balcony. Excessive moisture can destroy your treadmill. It will not last nearly as long as one that is kept indoors. Excessive moisture also wreaks havoc on the electrical circuits in the treadmill console.
Another reason to consider when placing a treadmill on a balcony is the danger of freezing temperatures. The cold can cause damage to belts, LCD screens, and other mechanical components. Furthermore, it can cause the belt to stiffen and even crack. In addition, weight limits for balconies are usually between 50 and 100 pounds per square foot. As long as your treadmill is within this limit, you can safely place it on a balcony.
Treadmill Noise
While a treadmill on a balcony may not be as intrusive as one in an indoor gym, it is still loud enough to disturb those around you. Balconies often lack soundproof walls and are therefore not an ideal place to run a treadmill. Depending on your living situation, you may want to place the treadmill on an outdoor balcony. But it is important to take care of your neighbours’ comfort and safety.
Treadmill and the Weather
The weather can be an issue for using a treadmill on a balcony. During sudden rainstorms, for example, the treadmill can get wet and ruined. Additionally, exposure to the sun’s rays can cause components in the treadmill to overheat, and this could damage the unit. While it can still be comfortable to use a treadmill on a balcony, it’s important to keep in mind what conditions are best for your particular situation.
A treadmill cover is an excellent option for protecting your machine from dust, weather elements, and moisture. It can be purchased for most major brands of treadmills and fits most non-folding machines. A good treadmill cover should be made of heavy-duty fabric to withstand UV rays and other outdoor elements. The material should be able to withstand the wear and tear of use and should be durable enough to withstand washing and drying.